Cast your bread upon the waters, For you will find it after many days.
Ecclesiastes 11:1
As a child God called me to the mission field. A few years after that He gave me Ecclesiastes 11:1 as a reminder of that call. Thirty years later I found that verse printed on a devotional card tucked away in an obscure place in my house. And yet another five years passed when my husband and I received the letter we had waited for: on June 9, 2009 Touching Lives Ministry was awarded tax-exempt status as a non-profit ministry. Over the years God has proven Himself faithful to keep His calling alive and to finish what He started. By God’s grace, after many days that vision is being realized!
Ecclesiastes 11:1
As a child God called me to the mission field. A few years after that He gave me Ecclesiastes 11:1 as a reminder of that call. Thirty years later I found that verse printed on a devotional card tucked away in an obscure place in my house. And yet another five years passed when my husband and I received the letter we had waited for: on June 9, 2009 Touching Lives Ministry was awarded tax-exempt status as a non-profit ministry. Over the years God has proven Himself faithful to keep His calling alive and to finish what He started. By God’s grace, after many days that vision is being realized!
As we take baby steps forward we would appreciate the prayers of those who have a heart for the lost and poor around the world in the following areas:
· We believe that God may be leading us to open our
first medical clinic in the slums of Kenya
· We are still in need of a website
· Wisdom regarding fund-raising
· That God would continue to put our book, Our Baby, Our Love, Our Loss into the hands of couples grieving the loss of a baby
· Above all, that God will be glorified and lives would be changed through this ministry.
Dream no small dreams for they have no power to move the hearts of men. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe